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Everything about banquet module in OTA Sync
Everything about banquet module in OTA Sync

Have some venues that you rent hourly or daily such as halls to organize conferences, seminars, cocktail parties etc.?

Updated over 3 months ago

The banquet department is the major revenue-producing department. It concentrates on selling all the hotel facilities to potential guests. The function of catering is under the direction and control of the banquet manager. The function is organized within the banquet hall, the size of which varies from hotel to hotel. Read more here.

How to activate the banquet module in the OTA Sync?

If you want to activate the banquet module, go to the Settings > Marketplace > Inactive > Banquet > Activate

How to add banquet venues?

When you have activated banquet module from the step above, go to the Settings > Rooms/Extras > and new column will be there to add new banquet venues.

In the pop-up window for adding a new banquet venue, it will be simply described where to add the name of the banquet hall, the price, how many halls of this type you have and you can add a description (Note) for your internal reference.

How to add and manage reservations for banquet?

When you have activated banquet module and added banquet halls, now you can manage reservations for the banquet.

Go to Calendar > Banquet calendar and you will see new calendar view which is hourly based.

In the calendar you can create new reservations, change days, and view all your bookings.
By clicking on the reservation you can view additional details about it.

How to make a new banquet reservation?

Creating a new banquet reservation is easy. It can be done directly in the calendar, by dragging the mouse over the desired hours you want to reserve or by clicking on the plus icon in the overview of banquet reservations.

Select a start date/time and an end date/time. Choose which banquet hall you book and for which type of event. There is also a field to select the booking status: Offer sent, Pre-contract, Contract signing, Paid, Realized which will be used later in the reports.

You need to enter the price, guest information and there is even an option if you want the reservation to be linked to the hotel room reservation so that they appear on the same account.

Further in the reservation window, you can enter notes for other sectors in the hotel or add a file. When you have finished entering the data, click the save button.

If you want to see a list of all banquet reservations in the desired date range, go to Reservations > Banquet where you can see a table view of reservations. Here you can also create a new reservation (by clicking the plus icon) and see all existing reservation details.

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