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Everything about SPA Module
Everything about SPA Module
Updated over a week ago

If your hotel offers any of the SPA & Wellness facilities then you should use our SPA module too and automatize your daily operations even more, it is not needed to mention that everything is fully integrated with our Reception System and Billing.

How to activate SPA Module?

Go to Settings > Marketplace > Inactive > SPA > Activate

When you click on the button Activate a popup window will open so you can setup your SPA facility working time.

When you activated the feature you need to add all SPA Facility employees so you can assign specific services to them.

STEP 1 - Adding employees to the SPA Facility?

You need to go to Settings > Users > Add New User

Then you should enter your employee name and email and most important create user type SPA.

By default, if you just enter a name, email, and Type: SPA this user will be able to see only reservations that are assigned to him/her, create only his reservations, and see a calendar view and services calendar only for the specified user.
So SPA User1 will not be able to view SPA User2's bookings and services unless you give him an option in the settings of the user that for example, Reservations are Visible, then he can see all.

STEP 2 - Adding SPA Categories

SPA Category is a specific service that is being sold to the customer and that is being billed. Like Back Massage, Foot Massage, VIP Jacuzzi or similar...

To add SPA Categories please go to SETTINGS > SPA Settings > SPA Categories and Add a new SPA Category.

There you have all the options you need, add all SPA Services you are offering as payable products:

STEP 3 - Adding SPA Facilities

The facility is the physical space where the specific SPA Category is sold.

Each facility can contain multiple categories and users as the logic behind is that in the Room1 we are selling categories 1,2,3 and for that room we have in charge Employee1 and Eomployee2 while in Room2 we are selling categories 1,2,4 and there works Employee 3 only.

In SPA Settings > SPA Facilities you will now have the option to add a new SPA Facility.

If you click on that blue plus icon next to SPA Facility a popup will open so you can enter its details:

Now we are ready to work.

How to add SPA Booking and view the calendar?

For the SPA we have 2 types of calendars: Calendar by Services & Calendar by SPA Users.

To view them go to Calendar > SPA Calendar or Calendar > SPA Users Calendar.

SPA Calendar (Calendar by Services)

SPA Users Calendar (Calendar by Employees)

New Booking Creation

So when you click on any of the marked options in the screens above or you just click on the calendar for the desired time & service you will see the next popup.

As you can see you can choose of course date & time duration, which SPA Facility, which user will operate, which exact category or even a special offer if it is added.

Add guest details and price for this reservation.

You can also choose if the customer has a voucher so it can be used for payment.

You can link this to a hotel reservation, and add some description for your note and some extra services if the customer wants it.

Entire bookings list

As for the hotel reservations we also have a page where you can see all the SPA Bookings.
Go to Reservations > SPA and you will see all the reservations in tabular view sorted as per your wish.

Do you have SPA Reports?

Of course, we do.

Just go to Reports > Revenue > SPA Revenue & Reports > Guests > SPA Bookings Report and you will see a detailed report of your SPA Facilities income and the possibility to filter by dates, users, services, etc.

What else can I do with this module?

You can also create Special Offers and Vouchers for your guests.

To create Voucher go to Settings > SPA Settings and create new Voucher.

Vouchers are fully customizable and they can depend on my things such as:

  • Discount Type: Fixed or % based

  • Validation period. It can be valid for only some date range

  • Validation quantity. It can be used only specific number of times

  • It can be valid only for some categories (services)

To use a voucher, when creating new reservation you can select if that reservation is made with voucher or not. System will automatically count that.

You can also print vouchers or send to customer email directly form the system.

SPECIAL OFFERS - are link bunk offers of categories (services) for discounted prices for a specific date range.

  • Discount Type fixed or % based

  • Usable for specific date range

  • Bookable for specific date range

  • Which categories it includes in that discounted price

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